A nova música se chama “A Little Bit of My Heart” e foi escrita pelo Harry Styles, da boyband britânica One Direction! Além dele, entre os compositores também aparece Johan Carlsson. A faixa é registrada em nome da MXM Music AB, companhia de produção que pertence ao produtor sueco Max Martin (com quem Ariana já disse estar trabalhando na produção de seu novo álbum).
As informações sobre a mesma são poucas, e não se sabe se ela foi realmente produzida para entrar no segundo álbum de Ariana. Iremos aguardar mais novidades e informaremos assim que surgirem novos detalhes, fiquem ligados!
After some time without updating its list of songs recorded in the ASCAP (American Society of Composers , Authors and Publishers ) , Ariana Grande just registering a new composition on their behalf . For those unaware , ASCAP (in Portuguese " American Society of Composers , Authors and Publishers " ) is the site where American artists record their music as a way to protect the copyright of the work and make their songs officially .
The new song is called " A Little Bit of My Heart " and was written by Harry Styles , British boyband One Direction ! Besides him , among composers Johan Carlsson also appears . The group is registered in the name of MXM Music AB , the production company that belongs to the Swedish producer Max Martin ( who already Ariana said to be working on the production of his new album ) .
The information on it are few, and it is unknown if she was actually produced to enter the second album Ariana . We will wait for more news and let you know as soon as new details emerge , stay tuned !