Good Morning America

As atrações para a 4º edição do iHeartRadio Music Festival, foram lançadas na passada quarta feira no Good Morning America pela Ariana e pelo Ryan Seacrest. O festival vai decorrer entre os dias 19 e 20 de Setembro. Tambem Iggy, One Direction entre outros vão aparecer neste festival. 

No video Ariana fala sobre o seu novo album My everything e diz que a sua música preferida é a Best Mistake.

Attractions for the 4th edition of the iHeartRadio Music Festival, were released last Wednesday on Good Morning America by Ariana and by Ryan Seacrest. The festival will take place between 19th and 20th September. Also Iggy, One Direction and others will appear in this festival. 

No video Ariana talks about his new album My everything and says that his favorite song is the Best Mistake.